
Second life copybot viewer tpb
Second life copybot viewer tpb

second life copybot viewer tpb

In addition to this usually big boxes filled full of high quality skins full permissions are CopyBot.Ģ. However if you are accepting a large cache of stolen content like Skins, or Clothing look for tags infront of the skin, usually this is a signature on the item of the creator who made it. To answer the question however LL usually doesn't suspend, or ban an account over a few stolen items in your inventory by accident. Now knowing more about griefing, and CopyBot it is impossible to stop all of it without the help of Linden Lab sadly.ġ.

second life copybot viewer tpb

This was years ago, and a lot of the content was actually removed by DMCA which was the goal to get a lot of it removed or as much as possible. When they restored the account they asked me to remove the items from my inventory. I was given a bunch of stolen content we are talking about a total of 4000+ items which years ago I was keeping in a box, and reporting it to LL for removal constantly, I knew they were ripped, and as a result LL did suspend my account and when I asked them why they told me. *If animations were removed, the replacement animation may be in your HUD or animation override (AO).Īctually you can get suspsended/Banned from SL if you have stolen content it happend to me. Item: Bodypart named "Pale skin" Location: Inventory of Perrie Juran.Many thanks for your interest in Second Life. Here are some tips to protect yourself and keep your inworld shopping safe and fun. If you weren't aware of an intellectual property issue, don't panic or take it personally! Just take steps to avoid content that may have intellectual property issues. We replaced the content with generic placeholder item(s), as described in our FAQs on our Intellectual Property Complaint Process. Our investigation found that you had some of this content. When we receive an intellectual property complaint, we investigate it and look for copies of the content identified in the complaint. For a list of the specific content we removed, please see the "IP Complaint Details" below at the bottom of this email. We are writing to let you know that we removed some content you had in Second Life under our Intellectual Property Policy. We do see enough posts from people who do panic when they get this notice. As stated in the E Mail, "If you weren't aware of an intellectual property issue, don't panic or take it personally!" I would emphasize the "don't panic" part. This is a copy of the notification (E Mail) you receive when this happens. I have had content removed from my inventory. Unlike the real world, LL does not treat mere possession of stolen goods as a crime. At the worst, should you have bought the content, you would suffer the loss of the linden dollars you spent. Included on this page are tips for avoiding stolen content.īeyond that the answers you will get here from us will be based in general on our experiences, knowledge, understanding & interpretation of the TOS and CS.Įssentially speaking, you will not get in trouble for having stolen content in your inventory. Beyond that the odds of A Linden answering here are about zero. If you want "official" answers, I will suggest this page on the SL Wiki.

second life copybot viewer tpb

I honestly don't see any cause for concern UNLESS you know an item was botted, in which case the proper action is to contact the original creator (how would you know it was botted if you had not seen the original) and at that point it is the creator's responsibility to proceed with a DMCA.or not. As a result, anyone who had the animations that were botted from this creator in any furnishings.not purchased from him.were "broken" by LL. That went through a fairly lengthy legal process. There have been a few high profile cases of copybotting (thinking here of the original creator of a certain sex bed). I have never heard of a person who was not the copybotter but unknowingly had copybotted items in inventory being banned. I have seen posts of items *poofing* from people's inventories that they later found out, usually via the forums, that were botted items. If a creator files a successful DMCA, then the copybotted items are removed from the copybotter's inventory (iirc) as well as anyplace they are trying to sell them in world and on the MP. I've heard of other creators who are aware of their item/s have been botted but for whatever reason don't want to go through the DMCA process. Sometimes creators have no idea their items have been copybotted, thus don't fill out a DMCA. take down/out all the copybotted items from the copybotter). The first thing that has to happen is the original creator of an item that is copybotted files a DMCA which is a "take down" (ie. I have not had this happen personally, but over the years I have read threads about copybots and copybotted items.

Second life copybot viewer tpb